Greeting...a piece of stories bout me *-*

Assalamualaikum..and hello...

my name is Mohd Ariffuddin given by my late father Hj Mohd Salleh Bin Hj Muri and my late mom Hjh Hamidah binti Hj Munajat..most of my friend call me ayep..i grow up in Teluk Intan,Perak..but since my parents no longger wif me i live wif my sister in Kuala Lumpur,my late mom were full time housewife..and a very good cook that is why im healthy(semangat) i miss her cooks, my late father were Policeman..he is fierce but he is soft inside im also miss him..if he did'nt whip me..i wont be here and be a university student...i got 4 the 3rd son of my uncle coz i got a cute and beatiful niece,daughter of my 1st happy go lucky...easy taken person..quite high level of addicted to play computer game..i do sport..i play rugby..there is reason why i play this game coz i love play game that is physically a driver but not a drinker..never been to club..enjoy life as a to eat..i eat fast..and im good in what im doing..hAhahha.. shopping...yeah i love to do it some time and if i had a lot of love money..hey..who doesnt love money?? is my im pursuing my degree in Uitm Merbok, Kedah..enjoy living in kedah..there is no different like before when i do my diploma in On friday and saturday..there is no shop open in thursday night..hard to find blah...blah..blah...but one good thing about Sungai Petani Kedah,there is no traffic jam or crowd..i found new cool friend... enjoy my student life...and proud and grateful to be one of uitm student..if u found me that my virtual friend and maybe we can share something..insyaAllah..salam

Friday, December 10, 2010

sedih skrg neh....

kawan2 yg lain..dah bley fikir nk masuk degree kat mane...tapi ak???
still....x bley lagi...
sedey dol...sape x sedeh....kawan2 kita..masa masuk skali..nk kuar kite kene tggal kan...
x sedih ke gtu wok??
tue la...sape soh maen2...kalo x maen..kan x jadi macam skrg...
tapi bak kata org....bagun jatuh seseorang tue adat hidop kat dunia ne kan??
x sape pon dilahirkan kat dunia neh...terus boleh berlari...stage by yg jatuh...
cuba utk bangun kembali...tue la aku...aku tau ak bnyk main...tapi...aku pastikan...aku akn dapat dekan...for next sem..itu yg pasti....insyaAllah...doakn aku smua...
aku x nk...blajar separuh jalan...aku nk habis...buat degree...slow2 pon x pe..
ramai lagi...owg yg lagi tua dari aku still blajar kan...pakcik2 umur 40 pon ad baru amik degree...kan...kan...x pe..asal ak dah tulis neh...dapat tenangkan hati aku,..mmg itu pon sbb aku tulis blog neh...bckp dgn diri sendiri...puaskan hati sndiri...hmmm....tapi ak mmg tgh sedih...tapi ak bersyukur...ak x kena flying kick...haha...ok...dah ok agaknye ak...bubye...saje nk share masalah n perasaan kat sini...huhu...peace yoh!!